Camera Foundations Workshop

Are you tired of missing those amazing candid family moments that happen so quickly? Do you want to become a manual mode master? Are you wanting to take your camera skills to the next level? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then the Camera Foundations Workshop is for you!

Hello! My name is Jeff from Our Six Arrows Photography. I'm always striving to grow and learn my photography skills. So much so, that I want to share what I've learned with you! I'm so excited to be able to come alongside you and be your coach, your mentor, and your guide and cheer you on to greater success with your SLR camera.

You Will Learn

Buttons & settings such as F-Stop, Shutter Speed, ISO, and White Balance, Rule of 3rds, Symmetry vs Asymmetry, Leading Lines, and more!


Do you have a question?

Vix ut utinam feugait. Eu scribentur liberavisse nec. Dico fugit nostro cu pri, no putent nemore mel, ius at minim molestiae.

Do you have a question?

Vix ut utinam feugait. Eu scribentur liberavisse nec. Dico fugit nostro cu pri, no putent nemore mel, ius at minim molestiae.

Do you have a question?

Vix ut utinam feugait. Eu scribentur liberavisse nec. Dico fugit nostro cu pri, no putent nemore mel, ius at minim molestiae.